About Me
Hey, I’m Saskia…
A certified life coach & mindfulness meditation teacher, a body image specialist, an Intuitive eating counsellor, a Mum, and a human who is deeply committed to her own growth, healing and embodiment.
Prior to this I have been many things, and led many different lives.
However, through ALL the incarnations of my working life there was an ongoing soundtrack of anxiety, perfectionism, people-pleasing, disordered eating & body dissatisfaction running the show, which stopped me living my life to the full.
Even though I appeared successful from the outside (and like I had my sh*t together) inside my head it was a very different story. I was fixated on food and my body, and constantly fearing the judgement of others. I was tunnel focused on losing weight, having the ‘perfect’ diet, getting ‘leaner’ and ‘getting my steps in’.
Sound familiar?
I thought that if I could get my body looking a certain way, that I would suddenly feel calm, content and confident. That I would finally feel less anxious. That I would magically feel ‘good enough’. Instead I was left feeling trapped and nothing shifted for me internally.
This is all until I made a commitment to make a change.
I remember it being the deepest and most powerful feeling. A strong intuitive nudge. There was a voice in my head screaming “You can’t do this anymore. You have to make a change. You are wasting your precious life being disconnected from your body and trying to micromanage your food and weight. There HAS to be a better way.”
And there was.
I got myself an Intuitive Eating & body image coach (a few actually), and started a mindfulness meditation teacher training and with it a regular meditation practice.
I could never have imagined a life where I ate with freedom and wasn’t constantly trying to ‘change’ or ‘maintain’ my body.
Amazingly I have now reached a place where I have a free and peaceful relationship with food & with my body. My relationship with my body ebbs and flows like it does for everyone of course (we’re only human!)…but overall I have a much kinder relationship with my body and moments of body image distress are MUCH shorter & less intense.
And my learning and growing hasn’t stopped (and never will!). I continue to deepen my knowledge and embodiment, through meditation, somatic based practices, continuing training/professional development, a voracious love of books and learning, and through my own work with coaches and therapists.
I live in Sydney Australia with my husband, daughter and very cheeky French Bulldog.